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Theoretical And Experimental Approaches to Romance Linguistics: Selected Papers from the 34th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Salt Lake ... 2004 (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory)

Free eBooks >> Theoretical And Experimental Approaches to Romance Linguistics - The 20 papers in this volume are a selection from those presented at the 34th LSRL, held in Salt Lake City, in 2004. The papers deal with a wide range of theoretical issues in Romance Linguistics and include several from the conference parasession, which focused on experimental approaches to problems in Romance Linguistics. The book will be of interest to anyone interested in current issues in theoretical Romance Linguistics. Free eBooks - Theoretical And Experimental Approaches to Romance Linguistics >> Downl...

Soils: Nature, Fertility Conservation And Management

Free eBooks >> Soils: Nature, Fertility Conservation And Management - An introductory text on Soil Science (for undergraduates and everyone interested in the science of the soil – as the medium for plant growth) with special consideration of ‘Tropical Soil Fertility Conservation and Management Under Continuous Cropping’.Free eBooks - Soils: Nature, Fertility Conservation And Management >> Downl...

14 Free Ebooks on Current World Issues

Free eBooks >> 14 Free Ebooks on Current World Issues - The first 7 of the planned 14 book series are complete. The  major aim of the series is to make more people aware of the crisis of overpopulation which is directly responsible for such ecological excesses as: global warming, air and water pollution and waste disposal: ecological scarcities such as fresh water and food; and social problems like poverty and illegal immigration. The population problems, when combined with our higher levels of technology increase other problems such as: aging with its increasing expenses for health and retirement. Several solutions are also...

Soils: Nature, Fertility Conservation And Management

Free eBooks >> Soils: Nature, Fertility Conservation And Management - An introductory text on Soil Science (for undergraduates and everyone interested in the science of the soil – as the medium for plant growth) with special consideration of ‘Tropical Soil Fertility Conservation and Management Under Continuous Cropping’.Free eBooks - Soils: Nature, Fertility Conservation And Management >> Downl...

The Planet X Survival Guide

Free eBooks >> The Planet X Survival Guide - Planet X and its solar system is real. It is already visible in the sky. The time is short. It is already having affects on planet earth. Global warming. Increase in earthquakes and storms. These events will all accelerate until 2012 or 2013, ending in a massive earthquake. Free eBooks - The Planet X Survival Guide >> Downl...

Green Wisdom

Free eBooks >> Green Wisdom - Recycle or toss? Many individuals, families and businesses have pledged to protect the environment, yet almost everyone still has questions about how to wisely go green. Green Wisdom answers common questions about the environment, with a special focus on easy ways to recycle, reduce and reuse. This collection of tried and true eco tips is designed to inspire you to transform your everyday actions into good green habits. Once you get started, we think you’ll notice that what’s better for the environment is almost always better for your budget, health and happiness. You can help grow a greener planet...

Six days: The End of The World As We Know It

Free eBooks >> Six days: The End of The World As We Know It - Oil supply, dependence and future availability. A 90 minute summary of how we got ourselves to the point where the average British family comsumes a barrel of oil every six days. Free eBooks - Six days: The End of The World As We Know It>> Downl...

The Seven Symphonies of Extraordinary Love: A Blueprint for World Peace

Free eBooks >> The Seven Symphonies of Extraordinary Love: A Blueprint for World Peace - Have you wanted to know how you personally can contribute to improving our world’s level of peace? In The Seven Symphonies of Extraordinary Love: A Blueprint for World Peace, Kaushal Aras introduces readers to seven truly practical ways of thinking about peace and love on a highly personal and individual level.Free eBooks - The Seven Symphonies of Extraordinary Love: A Blueprint for World Peace >> Downl...

That I May Die Roaming

Free eBooks >> That I May Die Roaming - A 34,000 miles thrill ride through North, Central and South America on a motorcycle. This book details the adventure of a lifetime as the author does almost the entire journey on his own through some of the most dangerous countries in the world.Free eBooks - That I May Die Roaming >> Downl...

World History Timeline

Free eBooks >> World History Timeline - History from ancient times to present day. Free eBooks - World History Timeline >> Download (361 ...

21 Machetes

Free eBooks >> 21 Machetes - Take one of America’s largest utilities…a delusional, error-prone CEO…a $46.5 million war chest filched from customers…California’s squalid, pay-to-play ballot initiative process…what results? Hubris, overreach and venality upended by truthiness. Over-torqued battlefield dispatches create a fast-paced nonfiction novella – a bugle call to that silent army of citizen optimists everywhere.Free eBooks - 21 Machetes >> Download (1,2 ...

10 Ways to Write More Effective Ads

Free eBooks >> 10 Ways to Write More Effective Ads - If you've been struggling to make sales, more than likely your ad copy is to blame. But don't worry because it's not your fault. Big companies pay advertising agencies to handle the hard work for them; and the people at those companies have made it their business to know the art of writing to sell. They have spent years learning the psychology of selling, as well as how to find the right words that will push the hot buttons to make the buying public buy the products or services that they're being paid to sell with effective ad copy. Now you too can write more effective ads for...

Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms

Free eBooks >> Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms - Virtually every computing system today is part of a distributed system. Programmers, developers, and engineers need to understand the underlying principles and paradigms as well as the real-world application of those principles. Now, internationally renowned expert Andrew S. Tanenbaum – with colleague Martin van Steen – presents a complete introduction that identifies the seven key principles of distributed systems, with extensive examples of each. Adds a completely new chapter on architecture to address the principle of organizing distributed systems. Provides extensive...

IKEA - Interir Design Magazine - New Edition

Free eBooks >> IKEA (Interir Design Magazine) - IKEA furniture is well known for its modern, utilitarian design. Also, because much of it is self-assembly furniture (also known as "flat-pack"), it is designed to be assembled by the consumer rather than being sold pre-assembled.Free eBooks - IKEA (Interir Design Magazine) >> Downl...

Playboy January 2007-The Passion of Pam Anderson (Holiday Anniversary Issue, Centerfold: Jayde Nicole)

Free eBooks >> Playboy January 2007-The Passion of Pam Anderson - Playboy is an American adult entertainment magazine, founded in 1953 by Hugh Hefner and his associates, which has grown into Playboy Enterprises, Inc., reaching into every form of media. Playboy is one of the world's best known brands. In addition to the flagship magazine in the United States, special nation-specific versions of Playboy are published worldwide. Playboy also delivers hardcore pornography through its television entity, Spice Network. Free eBooks - Playboy January 2007-The Passion of Pam Anderson >> Download  >> Download ...

Theoretical And Experimental Approaches to Romance Linguistics: Selected Papers from the 34th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL), Salt Lake ... 2004 (Current Issues in Linguistic Theory)

Free eBooks >> Theoretical And Experimental Approaches to Romance Linguistics - The 20 papers in this volume are a selection from those presented at the 34th LSRL, held in Salt Lake City, in 2004. The papers deal with a wide range of theoretical issues in Romance Linguistics and include several from the conference parasession, which focused on experimental approaches to problems in Romance Linguistics. The book will be of interest to anyone interested in current issues in theoretical Romance Linguistics. Free eBooks - Theoretical And Experimental Approaches to Romance Linguistics >> Downl...

365 Sex Positions: A New Way Every Day for a Steamy, Erotic Year

Free eBooks >> 365 Sex Positions: A New Way Every Day for a Steamy, Erotic Year  - This book is a must have to spice up things in the bedroom. Both my partner and I have read it and LOVE it. We both tagged over 40 new positions that we want to try out! We kept running out of post-its. There are bed, furniture, chair, standing, and exercise ball positions. Sole and partner activities. We couldn't be happier with it. Yes some seem similar and some I would have to be an acrobat to do - it gave me over 200 new ideas... so I can't complain. Get this book and leave it next to your bed for some quick ideas in the bedroom.  Free...

ANNE HOOPER'S KAMA SUTRA: Classic Lovemaking Techniques Reinterpreted For Today's Lovers

Free eBooks >> ANNE HOOPER'S KAMA SUTRA : Classic Lovemaking Techniques Reinterpreted For Today's Lovers - Before there were late-night call-in shows, sexual surrogates, or course-by-course sex manuals, there was the Kama Sutra, the ancient book of sexual wisdom. In this transformation of the 2,ooo-year-old masterpiece, Anne Hooper, sex therapist and best-selling author, brings the teachings of the past to a new generation of lovers. A reinterpretation of the classics Anne Hooper`s Kama Sutra brings together the best of the Kama Sutra, the Ananga Ranga, The Perfumed Garden, and The Tao to create a new classic. The authors of these...

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: A Practical Guide for Improving Communication and Getting What You Want in Your Relationships

Free eBooks >> Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: A Practical Guide for Improving Communication and Getting What You Want in Your Relationships - I was really skeptical when a friend told me this book was fantastic. Especially when I realized it was written by a guy who was writing relationship books even before he got a divorce (he has since remarried successfully). I figured it was a trendy book that was going to stereotype men and women and say a few facts about the obvious differences- but I figured, it was worth looking at, couldn't possibly hurt anything. Boy, were we surprised! First my husband and I tried so hard...

Spirit Guide

Free eBooks >> Spirit Guide - The latest quantum physics discoveries are converging with ancient esoteric knowledge, held for centuries, by spiritual teachers and shaman in many cultures. Our consciousness affects everything around us. This book explores many aspects of holistic beliefs and philosophies and our potential as human beings. Spirit Guide contains over fifty practical exercises that will help you experience our changing reality and assist with your own personal growth. Are you ready to boldly go where you haven’t been before? Free eBooks - Spirit Guide >> Downl...

The Golden Precepts In Other Words

Free eBooks >> The Golden Precepts In Other Words - The Golden Precepts was transcribed in 1934 by Aura May Hollen. Its purpose is, to be the foundation for a philosophy that offers to the thinking mind the truth for universal understanding, that includes all and denies none. Free eBooks - The Golden Precepts In Other Words >> Downl...

Why : A Logical Explanation of Life

Free eBooks >> Why : A Logical Explanation of Life - Why: A Logical Explanation of Life is a logical, systematic and objective explanation of the meaning of life. It argues that whether or not there is a God or an afterlife the most logical conclusion we can come to is that the meaning of life is to fulfill our potential by achieving self actualization. The book goes on to explore how the process of achieving self actualization are survival, learning, thinking, creating your philosophy on life and creating your identity. No matter what beliefs you hold prior to reading ‘Why’ they are sure to be challenged. The author goes on to...

Jim’s Life: Journey to Soul Ascension

Free eBooks >> Jim’s Life: Journey to Soul Ascension - The soul of Jim, from The Big Bang, takes over the body of a boy who had a fatal accident while running from the scene of a crime. The body is revived at the hospital, and Jim awakens from a coma with absolute amnesia. The brain damage from the crash affects his pineal gland and vision processing so that he now sees the chakras and auras of people. In time he learns to work with these light fields and heal people, thus drawing comparisons to Jesus and being praised as a miracle healer, all the while being on trial for a crime he did not commit. An epic story of religion and...

The Big Bang: Notes from Looking Within

Free eBooks >> The Big Bang: Notes from Looking Within - Imagine creating a universe, a miniature, self enclosed universe. Imagine having probing cameras that could focus to any star or planet looking for life. And once you found life, what if you could accelerate time and watch it evolve? What might you find? Primordial soup. Strange beings. Alien societies. Profound wisdom. These are not the questions Jon Gruber ponders as he pedals to his next carpentry job. Over thirty and unmarried, he doesn’t even own a car. But a new assignment challenges him to rethink his place in the world. Is he a loser? Or is he about to become a partner...

To Bee or Not to Bee

Free eBooks >> To Bee or Not to Bee - From its humble beginnings as a spiritual fable which came to me in a meditation and was written for my own pleasure, To Bee or Not to Bee has blossomed into an international success story, published in 13 languages. Great spiritual teachers speak not of learning more, but of letting go, of surrendering. This can be difficult for adults because the familiar is so, well, familiar. But the young, they’re more present and open and have less to unlearn. This is why Jesus said, ‘Until you become like little children you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. ‘To Bee or Not to Bee is an inspirational...

Seeking after the Kingdom

Free eBooks >> Seeking after the Kingdom - This ebook includes five devotionals that will encourage you and build your faith. Topics covered include prospering where you are planted, seeing from heaven’s perspective, the power of the Word, the importance of prayer and how nothing is impossible for God. Let these devotional messages be your five smooth stones (1 Samuel 17:40). Use them to take down the giants in your life. Free eBooks - Seeking after the Kingdom >> Downl...

When Do I See God?

Free eBooks >> When Do I See God - When a flash flood claims Steven Drilach’s life, he finds that existence does not end with the death of the body. He steps into an afterlife where all his dreams can come true and anything he imagines can be his. Following the lead of his afterlife guide, he learns of the connections between the physical world he left behind and the spiritual realm where he now resides. During his journeys back to earth, he discovers lost souls unwilling to accept their own death and unable to move on to a spiritual existence. Through their experiences, he learns to face his own personal doubts and to understand...

The Gandhi Project

Free eBooks >> The Gandhi Project - A Context for Organizing: Reflections on Gandhi’s Approach to Satyagraha (Non-violence) provides a comprehensive examination of Satyagraha as Gandhi lived it and applied it to his work in India. The book focuses on presenting Gandhi’s teachings in the way he presented them, not shaped by revisionist writing or seeking to extrapolate portions of Gandhi’s approach into another political / philosophical orientation. The book also presents Satyagraha in a manner that is accessible to all, since Gandhi strongly believed all who are willing are capable of living Satyagraha. Free eBooks - The Gandhi...

The 7th Direction: Pausing and Practicing Along The Path

Free eBooks >> The 7th Direction: Pausing and Practicing Along The Path - The Seventh Direction unveils a new way for people to have a better life by learning to use their inner ‘pause button’ to access their capacities for calm, happiness and wisdom. Our communal culture is still learning how to trust itself to know how they should run their own lives. We have been indoctrinated by our institutions-governmental, religious and scientific-to look outside ourselves to find what we need. Likewise, our institutions have instilled unhealthy fears and emotions that hold us back from our potential if we pay too much attention to them:...

Bloody Kansas

Free eBooks >> Bloody Kansas - The Reverend Jacob Channing is a man on a mission, to abolish the practice of slavery now and for all time. To this end he leads a settlement to the Kansas Territory, but so does a prominent slave-holding Missourian. As John Browns raid sets everyone on edge, the battle for Kansas turns Bloody. This work is essentially a Shakespearean tragedy set in the old west, but is also many other things. It uses this historical setting to explore modern issues, not the least of which is the uneasy relationship between politics and religion. It is hoped that readers will gain both a new perspective on both US...

Profile of The Spiritual Poet

Free eBooks >> Profile of The Spiritual Poet - A collection of beautifully written inspirational poems, affirmations and images highlighting our emotional and psychological journey in our effort to break free from our patterns of conditioned thinking. Truly soulful poems from the heart speak to our fears, doubts, perceived failings, our hopes, inner strength and ultimate transformation. Free eBooks - Profile of The Spiritual Poet  >> Downl...

The Secret Flower And Other Stories

Free eBooks >> The Secret Flower And Other Stories - In an age when cleverness often counts more than substance, the writer of these stories (and poems) offers a break from all the noise. Clement, a teacher, mother and poet, writes with a measured beauty that recalls Tolstoy and Tolkien. There is nothing heavy or stilted about these tales, which rely less on plot devices than on allegorical symbols and the evocation of moods. But there is the thrill of expectancy, a sense that something new is on the way, and the belief that the Someone for whom humanity longs and waits is seeking us, just as we seek Him. Free eBooks - The Secret...

Walk In The Light

Free eBooks >> Walk In The Light - Long hailed as one of the western world’s greatest writers, Leo Tolstoy is best known for his epic War and Peace and his novel Anna Karenina. Yet the undiminished popularity of his shorter works – including the two dozen collected here – attests to his equal prowess as a master of the short story. Uncluttered by the complexities of plot and character that daunt so many readers of the longer Russian masterpieces, Tolstoy’s tales illumine eternal truths with forceful brevity. While inspired by a sense of spiritual certainty, their narrative quality, subtle humor, and visionary power lift them far...

The Leaching of Ian Burns

Free eBooks >> The Leaching of Ian Burns - In The Leaching of IAN BURNS, a cantankerous, no-nonsense old man arrives in heaven after dying in a fire. Ian manages to cope with the death of a saintly acquaintance (a death for which he feels partly responsible), by tolerating the least amount of introspection possible. The arrival and rapid departure of his estranged son is too painful for him to accept, however, and his headstrong personality takes over as he resolves to find out where his son has gone. With his long-suffering wife’s help and with the assistance of a tolerant, understanding friend, he finds himself on a mission that...

Faith Seeds: Volume One

Free eBooks >> Faith Seeds: Volume One - Faith Seeds: Volume One contains ten short devotional messages that were designed to ignite your faith. This ebook will help you as you grow in the Word of God. Each message takes only a few seconds to read but will leave you with powerful truths to consider. This ebook will lead you to delve into the living Word and spend some quality time with God. Free eBooks - Faith Seeds: Volume One >> Downl...

The Power of Gratitude

Free eBooks >> The Power of Gratitude - Why can’t you be more grateful? It’s likely at some point you’ve heard this remark from a parent, grandparent or have even uttered these words to a child yourself. (Or even worse, a partner!). Our need to see gratitude in others is a huge part of us seeing that person also as a loving, caring person. Having gratitude helps us to enjoy life more. It can break through huge barriers and reduce our stress loads, give us more confidence and help us to meet our goals- no matter how big they may be. There is no doubt that being grateful goes a long way. It’s just how to be grateful in times of stress...

Free Ebook on Wedding Photography

Free eBooks >> Free Ebook on Wedding Photography - Wedding photography is a major commercial endeavor that supports the bulk of the efforts for many photography studios or independent photographers.With the advent of the digital revolution in photography, today’s contemporary wedding photographer needs to stay abreast of all the latest developments in the industry. Depending upon the demands of the client, a contemporary wedding photographer will usually need to provide some or all of the following:Formal portraiture in the studio (for either the wedding and/or the engagement photos). Outdoor photography (often at a park, beach or...

10 Photography Posing Tips

Free eBooks >> 10 Photography Posing Tips - April Hite has a short and sweet ebook on photography posing tips. She’s a photographer and wants to share on some of the tips and techniques which you can use to compliment your pictures, just by using the items which can be easily found laying around the house. A brief introduction on April …My name is April Hite and I have a great passion for photography. I have had this passion all my life. I love capturing memories of people, places and things. capturing memories gives my inner self a sense of doing something great in my life. My pictures will be around when I am gone from this life....

Collection of more than 30 Photography Ebooks

Free eBooks >> Collection of more than 30 Photography Ebooks - More often than not, the best shots come at the most unexpected moments, and without a doubt, any photographer would want to get the best possible shot of that golden opportunity, in anyway possible. There are countless tips, tricks and techniques on how this can be done, or manipulated and further enhanced at a later time. This resource should somehow cover a number of areas of this topic if not most of it. From lighting to location specific techniques, there are a lot to gain for any of your future photo taking activities. Enjoy! Free eBooks - Collection of more than...

The Essential Guide to Digital Photography

Free eBooks >> The Essential Guide to Digital Photography - The Essential Guide to Digital Photography is for readers wanting to learn digital photography for the first time or build upon existing skills. This 59 page guide is for readers who want to take photography beyond the simple point-and-shoot experience to more advanced skills and techniques. Its an introduction to some essential things you need to know to get started and outlines further resources that you can use to grow as a photographer. Free eBooks - The Essential Guide to Digital Photography  >> Downl...

Air Safety Travel Secrets

Free eBooks >> Air Safety Travel Secrets - Air Travel Safety Secrets has been written by an expert and has been thoroughly researched. It is the only book in the world that tells airline passengers exactly how to stay safe and well when traveling by air.Here are just some of the things revealed in Air Travel Safety Secrets: Why airline travel is twelve times more dangerous for passengers than car travel in terms of injury and death! Learn the shocking truth and what you can do about it. Why more people die from air travel illness than from air travel crashes. Learn how to avoid illness caused by airline travel. Why...

Museum Tracker Exhibits

Free eBooks >> Museum Tracker Exhibits - Know What’s On The Museum-Tracker Exhibits Report lists significant temporary exhibits and displays in museums and galleries in Europe. To enhance its usefulness, the details are arranged in two broad categories of :Cultural & General museums/galleries Technical and Other museums These categories are further divided by country. Free eBooks - Museum Tracker Exhibits >> Downl...

Follow Me

Free eBooks >> Follow Me - Mark Tinney explores the impressions of his first season as a tour manager in 1976, in an industry where surprise, excitement and challenge are constant companions.  If you are thinking about a career as a tour manager or just interested in life “on the road” in the tourist world, then this book is for you. Free eBooks - Follow Me >> Downl...

Elysian Fields Lost

Free eBooks >> Elysian Fields Lost - This is an ebook in which I profile a few of the more interesting people whom I grew to know, either personally or from afar, when I returned home to New Orleans, Louisiana after getting through more than half a decade of military service throughout most of the ’80s. When I was a kid, New Orleans was a fun and interesting place to be. But after I grew up a little and got to see some of the world outside the city, I came to realize the disappointing truth about it. But though I do give the reader a first-hand, insider’s look at some of the heavy frustration that comes with living in New Orleans...

Pack Of 18 Gratis Niche E-Books

Free eBooks >> Pack Of 18 Gratis Niche E-Books - Kayaking, Paintball for beginners, Snowboarding, Backyard Activities, After School Activities, Marksmanship Manual for Rifles and Handguns, Family Fishing, Hunting, Brewer’s Recipes, Study Loans for Students, Mountain Biking for Fitness and Family Fun, Beat the Casinos All-in-one Guide – systems for Casino, Bingo, Craps, Blackjack, Lotteries, Poker, Roulette, Slots and Horse Racing, Amsterdam Travel Guide, Caribbean Vacations, Travel Guide for Nine Continents, Ski Vacations, Old-time Formulas, Remedies and Recipes, Travel Tips to twenty five European Countries.Free eBooks - Pack Of...

Costa Rica Travel Tips

Free eBooks >> Costa Rica Travel Tips - Costa Rica is a fascinating, complex and thriving country with its own unique identity that, in turn, needs its own unique approach from any tourist wishing to visit that amazing nation. As exciting as traveling Costa Rica is, the really scary part is the prospect of returning home and telling your friends and family how your dream trip turned into your worst nightmare. All because you weren’t prepared! Make no mistake… this ebook can help you with how to make the best decisions about your resort, hotel, condo, private vacation rental and destination within Costa Rica so you can actually experience...

That I May Die Roaming

Free eBooks >> That I May Die Roaming - A 34,000 miles thrill ride through North, Central and South America on a motorcycle. This book details the adventure of a lifetime as the author does almost the entire journey on his own through some of the most dangerous countries in the world. Free eBooks - That I May Die Roaming >> Downl...

Around Rakaposhi

Free eBooks >> Around Rakaposhi - The western Himalayas and the Karakoram range – earthquakes – landslides – the world’s highest paved international highway (dangerous, too) - ethnic tensions – ancient cultures – staggering beauty: 'Around Rakaposhi' is an account of two and a half years of living, working, and travelling among the Muslim people of the remote yet politically sensitive regions of 'Pakistani Kashmir'. Free eBooks - Around Rakaposhi >> Downl...

Life, Loss, Truth & Adventure

Free eBooks >> Life, Loss, Truth & Adventure - Born of life experiences from the scary/magical to the tragic to the everyday; from lost alone in lion country to the early passing of loved ones to getting a really bad haircut. This is a collection of poems that speaks of compassion and universal truths. Be inspired by the warm humour and heartfelt words as you embark on a real-life journey to make you think, laugh and cry.Free eBooks - Life, Loss, Truth & Adventure >> Downl...

Harvard Business Review on Mergers & Acquisitions

Free eBooks >> Harvard Business Review on Mergers & Acquisitions  - This book has a a few very informative articles/chapters. It virtually covers the entire M&A continuum from deal strategy through post merger integration. It has a fatal flaw however due to its format and that is a lack of consistency from one section to the next. By jumping from one author to another, the reader is subjected to guidance that is often contradicted or not considered a few chapters later by another author. That is why I prefer books offering guidance on the subject from a thoughtleader or practitioner who can walk me through the entire...

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