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Lighting by Design

Free eBooks >> Lighting by Design - Lighting by Design is a practical guide structured around a new theoretical approach to the design of lighting for architectural spaces. Christopher Cuttle outlines his unique three-level approach to lighting design in this indispensable text for students and professionals. Through Observation, Visualisation and Realization, the book explains how to envision, develop and produce your own lighting ideas. Architects, interior designers and specialist lighting designers will benefit from a holistic approach to the lighting process, combining technical information with a distinctive design theory. Cuttle...

The Fundamentals of Creative Design

Free eBooks >> The Fundamentals of Creative Design - A comprehensive introduction to typography, layout, image and color usage, and othe creative design principles presented through detailed explanation illustrated with examplars from contemporary design. More than 200 color photos, plus 50 black and white illustrations, provide an illuminating, highly visual introduction to the key elements of graphic design. Each subject matter, or “fundamental"? uses detailed diagrammatic explanations to help students understand the basics. Formats and printing, layout, image and color usage, and more all receive the same in-depth treatment, always...

Database system concepts

Free eBooks >> Database system concepts - This is a required book for my undergrad Databases class. While reading over it before the semester started I began to wonder why my professor would ever choose such a terrible book. Of course it became clear when, on the first day of class, the professor began to read word for word off slides with the names of the authors sitting at the bottom along with the familiar 'cute' artwork from the cover. Note to instructors: choosing a book because it provides prewritten notes and allows you to be extra lazy is not a valid reason for choosing a textbook. The book is filled with lots of mathematical...

Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition

Free eBooks >> Introduction to Algorithms, Second Edition - INTRODUCTION TO ALGORITHMS is pretty much the standard textbook in the field of algorithms. In its favor is the fact that it is quite comprehensive, covering a wide range of topics that the beginning student will need to know. On the other hand, it has a tendency towards the confusing and the obscure, with many of the example problems not making a lot of sense. If one decides to purchase this book (and the students will have no choice in this matter, being subject as they are to the whims of their professors), then I recommend that one immediately prints out the "bug...

Designing With Web Standards

Free eBooks >> Designing With Web Standards - You code. And code. And code. You build only to rebuild. You focus on making your site compatible with almost every browser or wireless device ever put out there. Then along comes a new device or a new browser, and you start all over again. You can get off the merry-go-round. It's time to stop living in the past and get away from the days of spaghetti code, insanely nested table layouts, tags, and other redundancies that double and triple the bandwidth of even the simplest sites. Instead, it's time for forward compatibility. Isn't it high time you started designing with web standards? Standards...

Encyclopedia of Movie Special Effects

Free eBooks >> Encyclopedia of Movie Special Effects - Students, film buffs, and general readers will enjoy this books brief biographies, definitions of studio jargon, descriptions of special effects techniques, and descriptive lists of effects used in specific films. Many entries include historical notes, and an appendix lists Academy Award winners and nominees for special effects from 1939 to 1998. The Enclyclopedia of Movie Special Effects has all you'd ever what to know about filmmaking, special effects, and stuntwork. Everything from 1925's landmark "The Lost World" to 1999's "Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace" is included...

Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 Magic

Free eBooks >> Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 Magic - As a serious Web designer or developer, you'll want to do one thing and one thing only when you lay your hands on the latest version of Dreamweaver: Start tinkering with all its new features. Problem is that's hard to do on someone else's dime. With Dreamweaver MX 2004 Magic, you don't have to! In these pages, Dreamweaver wizards Mossimo Foti, Angela C. Buraglia, and Daniel Short and several other experts draw on their own professional experience to offer 12 real-world projects that let you explore Dreamweaver MX 2004 at your leisure. With a focus on areas that can be troublesome...

Airport Design and Operation

Free eBooks >> Airport Design and Operation - The annual number of airline passengers has continued to increase in the past decade, putting great strain on the airports. Increasing volumes of passengers and freight will continue making demands for expansion of airport facilities and construction of new airports. Traditionally airport design and airport operation have been treated separately, yet they are closely related and influence each other. Poor design adversely affects operation; sound understanding of operation is needed to enable good design. The aim of this book is to present a new and integrated approach to the two. This...

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