Free eBooks >> Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 Magic - As a serious Web designer or developer, you'll want to do one thing and one thing only when you lay your hands on the latest version of Dreamweaver: Start tinkering with all its new features. Problem is that's hard to do on someone else's dime. With Dreamweaver MX 2004 Magic, you don't have to! In these pages, Dreamweaver wizards Mossimo Foti, Angela C. Buraglia, and Daniel Short and several other experts draw on their own professional experience to offer 12 real-world projects that let you explore Dreamweaver MX 2004 at your leisure. With a focus on areas that can be troublesome for professional users-whether because they present thorny issues or because they draw on completely new features-each lesson provides need-to-know tips, proven techniques, and best practices.
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